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Hs Deck Tracker For Mac

카테고리 없음

by rosbanafon1977 2020. 2. 9. 02:55


Hearthstone Deck Tracker is an app developed since May 2014. It has come a long way since the initial release and the creator - Epix37 - is constantly updating it. The app has a lot of uses and options, I won't cover all of them and just talk about the more basic ones.

  1. Hs Deck Tracker Arena Plugin
  2. Hs Deck Tracker Mac Not Working

Hs Deck Tracker Arena Plugin

HSTracker HSTracker is a deck tracker for macOS 10.10+. Community:. HearthSim: HSTracker is a project. Come join us in #hearthsim on chat.freenode.net. Twitter: Follow for updates / questions:) Features Deck Tracker Deck Manager Is Blizzard okay with this?

Is it against the TOS? Installation. Download the last version from. Extract the archive. Move HSTracker.app to your Applications directory. Launch (make sure Hearthstone is not running when you first launch HSTracker)!. Create a new deck from the Deck Manager or import it from, and many more.

BestHs Deck Tracker For MacHearthstone

HSTracker can also auto-detect the deck you are playing with Versions Contribution Feel free to fork and pull-request, as well as filling In order to compile, you have to. Clone the code. Make a fork on github!

Git clone. Get / update swift dependencies using carthage update -platform osx. Install, example using Homebrew: brew install swiftlint. Open the project in XCode and build. If you run into code signing errors, go to the 'Build Settings' and change the signing enitity and certificate to your profile.

Hs Deck Tracker Mac Not Working

HSTracker must be code signed in order to function properly. Donations Donations are always appreciated License HSTracker is released under the.